Sunday, January 30, 2011


Audun Nedrelid 

(born 1974) graduated from the film school FAMU in 
Prague, Czech Republic, in 2003. Since this time he has worked as freelancer in his own company Coaxfilm, where he is doing camera and editing, mostly promotion films for NGOs from their project around the world. He is based in Oslo together with Petra, but are during spring 2011 moving to Berlin.

I have made 3 shortfilms (The lost King, Mirror, Bottle), and two of them are in Film Fabrik. Beside I have made or worked on music clips, documentaries and a numerous of promotion films for NGOs.

What can I do?
- In Film Fabrik I have beside mostly did sound (location sound and sound design). And I will love to boom during FF3 too.
- I have done camera, but mostly for documetaries, so I would love to be camera assistent (my dream is to be a DOP:)
- to learn something, lighting is the thing I want to learn more about, so I would also love to be lightning assistent!
- set design I have also done, so this I can help out with.
- helping out with the" making of FF3"- film (documentary)
- runner, assistent, making food.
- I join the toilet washing club!

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