Sunday, July 31, 2011


The day brings a host of new arrivals: Andrea, Marion, PH, DeDe, Daryl, Nicholas Sr., Nicholas Jr., Rafael, Sam, and Florent. The school bustles with activity as folks settle in.

The first major excursion to the MeetFactory, which will be the primary site of filming, takes place in early afternoon. The MeetFactory is a curious rugged multi-storey warehouse pinched between an active highway and oft-used railroad. On its exterior walls, two real-size cars drip as blood off meathooks. Inside, the MeetFactory is dark and spacious -- both foreboding and inviting as a home for artist studios, an art gallery, a club, and our films.

Film equipment is moved between the school and the MeetFactory (an easy five-minute walk from the school, the sidewalks filled with large snails and slugs). Starki and angela set out for Prague sightseeing as FF preparation continues. Later, Rafael is busy grilling tomatoes, potatoes, and meat for the evening’s supper. The courtyard buzzes with discussion of Andrea’s script. After dinner, Veronika gives a brief welcome speech and presents us all with tote bags and old Czech magazines circa 1980s. An official script meeting for Andrea takes place. Later that night, Audun’s script meeting occurs. The school rings with efficiency, expediency, grace, friendship, and that adrenaline rush of creativity.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Starki and angela arrive, quickly followed by beds for the school. Everyone works hard to set up the school rooms as sleeping quarters. We vacuum; we dust. Veronika and Petra go on a top-secret shopping mission to return with cooking and cleaning supplies.

By evening’s end, the school feels prepared. We are pleasantly drowsy as we tuck into a delicious Indian dish prepared by Petra. Armande, Diddi, and Erpur arrive after an epic drive from Southern France, bringing with them ample film equipment. We stand in light rain until well after midnight, discussing the intricacies of Audun’s script.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Audun and Petra arrive in Prague. With Veronika and Agnar, set-up of the school and MeetFactory begins. The school is a charming three-floor building, with spacious winding stairs and brightly painted walls. Bulletin boards along the halls depict dark paintings by school children, suggesting troubled minds of the usual school inhabitants. Veronika has expertly arranged the living plans as to who sleeps where, who eats what when and cooked by whom, and how we'll all chip in for the beer. Petra begins her never-ending task to create signs and instructions around the school.

More photos and videos are available at